Computational Astrophysics / Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
mgxnliu at umich dot edu

Mingxuan Liu

I am a first-year PhD student at University of Michigan in the Department of Astronomy, advised by Mateusz Ruszkowski. Previously, I was an undergraduate student at Emory University, advised by Dr. Justin Burton, Dr. Elizabeth Hicks, and Dr. Alissa Bans. My research interest lies in computational astrophysics. Specifically, I am interested in astrophysical fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics.


November 2023 I gave an oral presentation at the 2023 APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting.

October 2023 Our Rayleigh-Taylor Unstable Flame paper is online on ArXiv!


Rayleigh-Taylor Unstable Flames: the Coupled Effect of Multiple Perturbations

Mingxuan Liu, Elizabeth P. Hicks

Physical Review Fluids (under review)
